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Why Do We Twitch Before Falling Asleep? | Hypnic Jerks
Why you jerk yourself awake every time you try to fall asleep (and what to do about it)
JOLT or JERK awake when falling asleep? TRY THIS!
Why do you Jerk when falling asleep? #shorts #sleep #science
The reason why your body might jerk randomly before you go to sleep
Why do we jerk in our sleep?
Why Does Your Body Suddenly Jerk When You’re Falling Asleep? #sleep
Why you jerk when falling asleep? #shorts #interestingfacts
Why does my body jerk and wake me as I'm about to fall asleep? - Sleepio - Ask the Sleep Expert
Why You Twitch Before Falling Asleep? #sleep #sleephacks #facts #sleep #jerk #hypnic
Why You Jerk Awake While Falling Asleep #funfacts #brainfreeze #funfactsoflife
Why does your body jerk or your leg kick when you're falling asleep?